The schood Web App


The schood Web App is the central hub from which schood is controlled and managed. The Web App is available in two designs for better differentiation:

  1. The web app for teachers & administration.
  2. The web app for students & parents.

Die Web App ist sowohl für schood Pro als auch für schood Basic (in geringerem Umfang) verfügbar.

The range of functions is controlled by the modules and also differs from the possible actions such as View, Create, Edit, .... Unneeded modules can be deactivated by the institution/school.

The web app is managed under a separate subdomain for each school - so each school has its own access. This is, for example,

You can access the web app via a browser - for security reasons, please use only the latest version ( of Mozilla Firefox or Chrome ).

Operation is safe and intuitive. schood focuses on simplicity despite its large range of functions.

The web app is multilingual. Currently available are the languages

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

The following additional languages are currently in the works: Portuguese, Italian and more.

With schood we follow a high security standard: The database is AES-256-CBC encrypted and the transmission is done exclusively via the https - standard. The server hosting is of course only in Germany. We work in accordance with the DSGVO. The web app and the mobile app can be used without email addresses. Of course, we conclude a contract with you about the data processing.

Of course, schood is constantly being developed, which is why the list of modules is constantly extended. Do you have a question or want more information?


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