About us
Trotz der Digitalisierung in allen Lebensbereichen stehen viele Eltern zu Hause vor einer enormen Aufgabe. Oft erhalten Eltern nicht alle Informationen, die ihr schulpflichtiges Kind betreffen. Alle benötigten Unterrichtsmaterialien und auch wichtige Lerninhalte sind auf Dauer schwer im Blick zu halten.
In our society, demands are growing in line with technical progress. Information must be available constantly, everywhere and to the full extent. In short, digitization in schools is indispensable and timely. Media competence and responsible use of media are the focus for later professional life. To achieve this, the digital school needs a well thought-out system and perfect interaction between the components.
Be it at home, during free time, in the classroom, the break hall or in the teachers' room: information and learning content should arrive. And now imagine, it could be distributed with only one click school-internal information or teaching content to selected people; schood [skuːd] lets this idea and many more become reality.
schood [skuːd] is the forward-looking, central overall concept for digital exchange between teachers, parents and students*. schood [skuːd] simplifies communication and creates a long-term basis for the digital future, because
schood = simple + future-oriented + DSGVO-compliant + fun to use
schood = digital + modern
schood - Put the school in your pocket