The schood Mobile App


The schood mobile app is available for all popular Android and Apple smartphones and can be downloaded free of charge from the corresponding store.

The schood mobile app can be used for both schood Pro and schood Basic (to a lesser extent).

The mobile app is currently only available for students and parents - a mobile app for teachers will follow later this year (currently controlled via the web app) - an iPad / tablet version will also follow later this year.

Functionality of the mobile app:

  • Timetable / substitution plan
  • News
  • Events/Calendar
  • Class book
  • Notifications
  • Messenger
  • Sick Notice
  • Parental letters
  • important Numbers

Further functions will be added with regular updates.

The mobile app is currently available in the following languages:

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Currently in work are the following additional languages: Portuguese, Italian and more...

schood IOS App
schood Android App
Huawei App Gallery
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