Hello, we are schood!

We digitize communication between teachers, students and parents. 100% DSGVO compliant.

Hallo, wir sind {schood}!

schood revolutionizes everyday school life with innovative and secure technologies

ISO 27001:2013

Our data center in Germany has ISO 27001:2013 certification.

Data security

Your data is encoded in our database with an AES-256-CBC key. Not even we have access to your data.

DSGVO compliant

We store and process your data on behalf of the school - 100% DSGVO compliant

SSL encryption

All data on our servers and communications are 256-bit SSL encrypted.

The modules of schood

schood besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Modulen - jede Schule/Institution kann nur die Module aktivieren, die sie nutzen möchte z.B.


The timetable gives a weekly overview of subjects/teachers and rooms - online and in the app. Changes are updated live.


If rooms or teachers change or if lessons are completely cancelled, this is controlled via the substitution module and displayed in the timetable.

Class book

Attendance, tardiness, current class material, and homework, if any, will be recorded in the class book. Students and Parents have access to it through the App.


This module bundles users ( whether teachers, parents or students ) into groups for notifications such as messages.


The cloud module offers each user 1GB of storage space ( more on demand ) for their own documents and files - hosted in Germany.


Our DSGVO compliant messenger deletes messages after 30 days (configurable), allows one-way messaging and much more...

A list of all modules can be found here:


Here you will find the latest information about schood

Digitalisierung: Die Evolution des Lehramts
Digitalisierung: Die Evolution des Lehramts

(Eschau, 24.03.2022) Die Pandemie hat gezeigt, dass Schulen bei der Digitalisierung hinterherhinken aber auf digitale Infrastrukturen angewiesen sind...

Ministerin Gebauer: Das Geld fĂŒr die Digitalisierung unserer Schulen muss ĂŒberall ankommen
Ministerin Gebauer: Das Geld fĂŒr die Digitalisierung unserer Schulen muss ĂŒberall ankommen

(Eschau, 11.02.2022) Das Ministerium fĂŒr Schule und Bildung teilt mit: Die Digitalisierung an den Schulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen nimmt...

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(Eschau, 21.01.2022) Elf Schulen unterschiedlicher Schularten haben die Chance auf den Titel „Schule des Jahres 2022“. In dieser...

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